Saturday, July 19, 2014

Meet Boo and Dandelion Puff!

Hey, I know I have not posted in FOREVER, but I have been busy doing other summer stuff. Like being at the beach!
 I am sure you all know Pepper my husky pup. He is here enjoying the beach with me today, but it's not just us...
We brought along some new friends!
These are my new pets! Meet Dandelion Puff and Boo!
Dandelion Puff is a bichon frise. (say it like this bee-shawn free-zay) I got her from a local animal shelter and fell in love with her happy personality. And not to mention that plush fur coat!
Bichon frises are a lovable, bouncy breed of dog. They all have a white fur coat and are about 9 to 11 inches tall at their shoulders. People often mistake them for small white poodles! They might look delicate, but they are actually quite hardy. (And this is an added bonus, they don't shed!)

This is Boo, I got him from a friend who breeds pomeranians.  I love him! He likes to sit in my lap whenever I am reading and sometimes tries to look at what I am reading!
As I just mentioned, he is a pomeranian. Pomeranians, or poms,  weigh about 3 to 7 pounds and are usually 7 inches to a foot tall. They are energetic and look sort of like a fox. (What does the fox say? XD)  They also come in variety of colors: black, red, white, etc. They need a lot of grooming though, but I don't mind. I like grooming my little Boo.
I hope you enjoyed meeting my new dogs! ( And maybe you learned something too!)  We better get going. Those sand castles aren't going to build themselves!
If you would like to learn more about Pomeranians and Bichon frises type in the links below:
Or watch these videos on youtube:

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