Hey, I know I have not posted in FOREVER, but I have been busy doing other summer stuff. Like being at the beach! |
I am sure you all know Pepper my husky pup. He is here enjoying the beach with me today, but it's not just us... |
We brought along some new friends! |
These are my new pets! Meet Dandelion Puff and Boo! |
Dandelion Puff is a bichon frise. (say it like this bee-shawn free-zay) I got her from a local animal shelter and fell in love with her happy personality. And not to mention that plush fur coat! |
This is Boo, I got him from a friend who breeds pomeranians. I love him! He likes to sit in my lap whenever I am reading and sometimes tries to look at what I am reading! |
I hope you enjoyed meeting my new dogs! ( And maybe you learned something too!) We better get going. Those sand castles aren't going to build themselves! |
Or watch these videos on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LCD7rXufxI